(A Deacon Ordination sermon based on John 21:15-19 for Sunday, June 23, 2013) “Fall and call go together” [Christopher Bamford, “The Gift of the Call,” Parabola , Fall 2004, in Philip Zaleski, ed., The Best American Spiritual Writing 2005 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005), p. 4]. That’s why we don’t expect you to be perfect. That’s why we do expect you to be you. So what do we get in getting you? We get sinners, that’s what we get. There’s no point in denying it or dancing around it; we’re ordaining sinners and installing sinners as deacons today. The rest of us are sinners, too, so what we really have here are sinners ordaining sinners. And that’s good news. It’s good news because it means that we are all in this together; we are a bunch of sinners who have stumbled into the grace of God and who are by that grace trying to follow Jesus and trying to serve a broken world. Simon Peter can serve as a role model for us. I can’t help but wonder if, as happy as...
Michael Ruffin has been involved with this preaching thing for almost forty years. It's time he started thinking about what it means. These are his reflections...